Customer Insights zu Elektroautos

Customer insights on electric cars

We regularly survey the expectations and experiences of EV drivers at all touchpoints of the e-mobile customer journey. To this end, we have collected the most important questions from car manufacturers, importers, retail and after-sales managers.

Would you like us to inform you regularly about the most important results of our studies?

The right study for every topic

We regularly carry out extensive surveys of electric car drivers at various points of use along all touchpoints of the e-mobility customer journey. This provides the industry with the most important customer insights on electric cars, EV retail and EV after-sales on a regular basis.

Electric Vehicle Retail Study

What are the expectations of e-car buyers? What are their experiences?

Electric Vehicle Benchmark Study

How do EV drivers use their e-cars? What problems do they encounter?

Electric Vehicle After Sales Study

What are the experiences of EV drivers with the workshop services of their brand?

eMobility Marketing Study

What are the most important drivers and barriers for adopters to switch to eMobility?

EV Adopter Persona Study

Which target group will be the next to switch to eMobility? What is the best way to address them?

Here you will find an overview with profiles of all studies.

UScale Study Dashboards

Our study reports show the key results in detail, usually on over 100 pages.

If you would like to gain even more insights from the results, you can perform any splits in the study dashboards and access the raw data set. You can also correlate all variables in the analysis section according to your own requirements and carry out statistical tests.

Dashboard demo video:

How can we help you?

What customer insights into electric cars, charging technology or charging services are you looking for? Whatever you are looking for, we look forward to exchanging ideas.

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    The added value of our studies

    AGILE RESEARCH: Quick and efficient access to crucial insights

    Regular customer surveys are time-consuming and expensive. We have therefore collected the most important questions from car manufacturers, energy suppliers, charging technology manufacturers and others and survey them regularly in the DACH market and other important markets. With our focus studies, we answer the majority of your questions off the cuff. If your questions go further, we answer them with the help of our panel of 10,000 EV drivers. We can also target people with specific charging behaviour and vehicle brands.

    CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION: Addressing the right target group with the right products

    As eMobility ramps up, new user groups are gradually entering the market. After the innovators and early adopters, the early majority group is now entering the market. By the time motivation, preferences and behaviour change with the customer segments. For this reason, USCALE studies visualise these changes and show trends for the coming years. In addition, we have already developed persona studies for important issues (EV adoption, charging behaviour and choice of car electricity provider).

    CUSTOMER JOURNEY: The new way to the suitable individual solution

    What information needs do buyers have in the purchase funnel? Whether switchers look for an EV or a charging solution first? Do they buy from an electrician or a specialised provider?

    Industry boundaries are becoming blurred in the electromobility ecosystem. For example, many car manufacturers now sell electricity and photovoltaic systems. USCALE studies therefore show which user groups take which route to a suitable solution, what is important to them and how much trust they have in whom.

    CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE: Pain points and excitement factors

    What experiences do EV drivers have with their EV and with charging? Which aspects go well? Which are not? Nevertheless, a lot has to be reinvented in electromobility. This is why USCALE focus studies show where things are really stuck, which solutions are convincing and which product features still need to be improved.

    BENCHMARKING: The best manufacturers of charging technology and e-cars

    In a dynamic, fast-growing market, everyone benefits. That’s good, but it masks weaknesses in supply. As soon as supply catches up with demand, this will take its toll and lead to surprises for many manufacturers. For this reason, USCALE benchmark studies show which manufacturers are really convincing from the user’s point of view, which are falling behind the competition and why. You also get the market shares of the most important providers.

    PRODUCT-MARKET FIT: Implementing ideas that really become successful

    Developing innovations to market maturity is not only expensive but also the flop rate is high. To reduce the flop rate, we test your innovations and new products for product-market fit with the target group at an early stage. This gives you prioritised barriers in the targeted customer segments long before market launch and allows you to solve them during the development process. You also receive the most important drivers for various user segments for the campaign work of your marketing agencies.

    USCALE focus studies: User studies on electromobility

    Since 2018, USCALE has been systematically surveying EV drivers about their expectations and experiences at all touchpoints of the e-mobile customer journey. You can also find an overview of all USCALE focus studies HERE.

    We show extracts from other studies in the LinkedIn articles by USCALE and Axel Sprenger, our company founder.

    If you have any questions, please contact us at