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Customer studies for consultants

In eMobility, both mobility and energy are growing together. As a result this is creating a new ecosystem that offers enormous potential for new business models. Established companies and newcomers therefore have a great need for advice and support from specialized consulting firms.

In order for consultants to be able to help, they need both detailed and up-to-date data on the development and optimization of their clients’ business models and processes.

USCALE supports consulting companies with customer studies that reveal not only user behavior and customer segments but pain points and preferences. In addition, our studies show differences in the target group segments.

Relevant Studies:

eMobility EV Retail-Studie
eMobility eMSP Loyalty Benchmarking-Studie
eMobility Public Charging-Studie
eMobility Public Charging Payment Method-Studie
Lade-Personas für die Elektromobilität
Product owners and project managers

Electromobility and charging technology are making enormous progress. As a result, the range of services on offer is also growing continuously. Consultants must therefore ask themselves for their clients which ideas and concepts have particular potential and how they can get them “on the road” with an optimal cost structure.

USCALE studies answer the most important questions of product owners and show what is important:

• What pain points do e-car drivers have today?
• Where should product owners invest the next euro?
• Which offers and features of an offer are particularly relevant?
• How should marketing set up websites for e-mobility products?


EV shoppers have different information needs than combustion engine buyers. They therefore also use other touchpoints in the customer journey.

USCALE studies answer the most important questions for marketing managers. They also provide important input for the work of agencies:

• Which target group segments are there and which personas are behind the target groups?
• What information are customers looking for in the purchase funnel?
• How do we need to design our charging offer to be attractive to potential customers?
• What measures can we use to strengthen customer loyalty?
• Which media channels do providers use to best reach their target customers?

USCALE focus studies: User studies on electromobility

Since 2018, USCALE has been systematically surveying EV drivers about their expectations and experiences at all touchpoints of the e-mobile customer journey. You can find an overview of all USCALE focus studies HERE.

We show extracts from other studies in the LinkedIn articles by USCALE and Axel Sprenger.

If you have any questions, please contact us at kontakt@uscale.digital.

Contact us now

What customer insights into electric cars, charging technology or charging services are you looking for? Whatever you are looking for, we look forward to exchanging ideas.

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